Google Announces Seurat Open Source for Mobile VR Optimization Tool

Before the advent of the 2018 Goolge I/O conference, Google announced that Seurat technology will be open source because Google hopes to support more content creators.

Seurat is a tool for developers to optimize mobile VR content. It aims to treat complex 3D scenes as a form of college rendering on a mobile processor. The goal is to reduce the overall number of polygons to reduce processing. Task volume and resource consumption.

By taking the RGBD image (color and depth) as input, Seurat generates a texture mesh for a configurable number of triangles, texture sizes, and fill rates, thereby simplifying scenes that can be achieved beyond traditional methods.

The original scene can be seen in the following scene as an approximately 46.6 million triangles, reduced to 307,000, which saves performance by more than 100 times, with almost no loss of visual quality. This optimization helps developers develop better quality content.

Perceptual developers can go to Seurat's GitHub page, which contains the documentation and source code needed to implement it into the project.

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